歐妍德 (Opus a la Carte Collective 創辦人)
歐妍德為本地薩克斯管獨奏及室樂演奏者和Opus a la Carte 的創立人。多年來於美國及東南亞等地參與過百場演岀及演奏,並在香港及深圳等地作定期演出。歐氏亦經常與香港各樂團合作,擔任獨奏演出,其中包括金文泰中學管樂團、金文泰中學管弦樂團、嘉音管樂團聯袂柏斯管樂團、銀河管樂團、譜楊管樂團、香港德明愛樂管樂團、匯弦管弦樂團等。其間被邀到香港電台第四台,第三台電視及無線電視作演出錄音並接受訪問。
另外,歐氏和友人成立的[管·丰](管風琴及薩克斯管二重奏)、Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble及Saxo Electro (薩克斯管二人組合)和Opus a la Carte Collective 定期在香港演出。[管·丰]先後應邀於香港文化中心、香港藝術中心 、香港藝穗會、及深圳音樂廳中心舉行演奏會。除古典樂及現代音樂外,近年績極參與爵士樂演出。現定期和本地大樂隊Happy-Go-Lucky Big Band,The 5422 Collective,及Starlight Elan Orchestra定期在香港及海外表演。除演奏外,歐氏熱心音樂教育工作現並致力於音樂推廣。
歐氏13歲自學薩克管,於2001年遠赴美國繼續學業。歐氏先後於美國新澤西州莫里斯縣立學院及維珍尼亞洲佐治美森大學跟隨Kent H. Eanes和Dale Underwood研習薩克管,並於2007年獲頒發音樂演奏學士證書。
Yin-Tak Au (Founder of Opus a la Carte Collective)
As a concert saxophonist and founder of Opus a la Carte, Yin Tak AU has performed in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Taiwan, Singapore, Strasbourg, Scotland, Japan, and the USA. She has appeared as a soloist with various ensembles in Hong Kong, the USA and Taiwan, including Clementi Secondary School Band, Clementi Secondary Orchestra, Mclean Youth Orchestra, Klappen Ensemble & Parsons Wind Orchestra, Klappen Ensemble, Galaxy Wind Ensemble, Hong Kong Tak Ming Philharmonic Winds, PM Concert Band, and Hong Kong International Band Fair Youth Band. Au is the founder of Pipe & Phone (Pipe Organ and Saxophone Duo), Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble, and Saxo-Electro (A saxophone duo focus on electronic music genre), and Opus a la Carte Collective.
Beside being an enthusiast of concert saxophone music, Au also plays pop, funk, and jazz music. She performs regularly with Happy-Go-Lucky Big Band, The 5422 Collective, Starlight Elan Orchestra and The Capital S. jazz saxophone quartet and recorded their first EP in 2017. AU’s has been invited to Radio Television 4 Hong Kong, RTHK 3 TV, and TVB for interview as well as live performing broadcast.
AU mainly self-taught as a youth. In 2001, she went abroad to study with Kent H. Eanes at County College of Morris in New Jersey, USA. She received her bachelor degree in music performance from George Mason University, Virginia, where she studied with Dale Underwood.
程家慧博士 (Opus a la Carte Collective 成員)
程家慧博士Chemie 是香港最傑出的青年色士風演奏家之一,在獨奏、室樂演奏和樂團方面均具有豐富演出經驗。
Chemie畢業於香港演藝學院,師承杜淑芝和Michael Campbell;隨後赴美深造,先後師從國際色士風大師Taimur Sullivan及Joseph Lulloff,並獲得北卡羅萊納大學藝術學院碩士學位,及密西根州立大學音樂藝術(色士風演奏)博士學位。
Chemie多次參加本地專業音樂樂團演出,包括香港管弦樂團、香港小交響樂團及香港愛樂管樂團等。在美期間,Chemie參與創立Dasch Quartet。該樂團曾獲得北美色士風協會四重奏比賽及ENKÖR室內樂比賽冠軍,先後在布里瓦德音樂中心、西北大學和羅斯福大學等地舉辦音樂會或教授大師班,並於2016年3月發行首張專輯《Necessary Edges》。此外,Chemie也是Auteur Saxophone Quartet的上低音色士風手。她和樂團曾贏獲2015年Coltman室樂比賽冠軍,並於2016年奥斯汀室樂音樂節擔任表演嘉賓。
2017年,Chemie決定回到出生地香港發展音樂事業,致力香港色士風教育,推廣本地色士風音樂。她加入香港最活躍的色士風重奏樂團La Sax並擔任音樂總監,同時是Opus a la Carte、香港星期六爵士大樂隊、Big Band Express及Patrick Lui Jazz Orchestra的成員。
Dr. Chemie Ching (Member of Opus a la Carte Collective)
Dr. Chemie Ching is one of the most recognized and versatile saxophonists in Hong Kong. Chemie earned her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in saxophone performance from the Michigan State University under the tutelage of the world-renowned saxophonist Joseph Lulloff, and her Master of Music degree from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts studying with Taimur Sullivan (Baritone Saxophone chair of Prism Quartet). She is a graduate of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts where she studied with Michael Campbell and Jennifer To.
During her study in the United States, Chemie has succeeded in numerous competitions and performed extensively in universities and music conventions. As one of the founding members of Dasch Quartet, Chemie won the North American Saxophone Alliance Saxophone Quartet Competition and the ENKÖR Chamber Music Competition. In March 2016, Dasch Quartet released its first CD Necessary Edges. Dasch Quartet has also given recitals and masterclasses at institutions including Brevard Music Center, Northwestern University and Roosevelt University. Chemie was also the baritone saxophonist of the Auteur Saxophone Quartet, who was named winner of the 2015 Coltman Chamber Music Competition and was featured guest artist in Austin Chamber Music Festival 2016.
Since moving back to Hong Kong in 2017, Chemie has appeared as a soloist with the Hong Kong Youth Wind Philharmonia as well as the Groove Wind Quintet. In May 2018 she put on a solo recital and in August 2018 she was invited by the Singapore Symposium to perform in both solo and quartet settings.
郭子翹(Opus a la Carte Collective 成員)
郭子翹熱衷於吸引觀眾深入了解音樂藝術。作為一名活躍的獨奏家和室內音樂家,他曾將對音樂的熱情展現於界各地,包括亞洲,北美洲和歐洲。近年來,郭氏作為獨奏家,四重奏和合奏音樂家取得了卓越的成就。於2013年,他被授予Yamaha Young Performing Artist Competition的薩克管優勝獎。作為愛荷華大學Colere Quartet的上低音薩克管演奏者,他於2018年進入著名的Fischoff Chamber Music Competition的準決賽,並於2019年獲得了Plowman Chamber Music Competition的一等獎。作為Iowa Saxophonists’Workshop Ensemble的成員,他於2014年首錄名為Contemplation的專輯。
於2013年10月,郭氏參與了著名的Adolphe Sax International Competition, 並於2014年10月進入了於比利時迪南舉行的現場比賽。2017年3月,郭氏作為愛荷華大學ICON四重奏組的上低音薩克管演奏者,進入了MTNA室內樂比賽的全國回合。
除了各類比賽之外,郭氏亦是香港和他國社區的活躍表演者。多年來,他參與了香港愛樂管樂團,香港愛樂室樂管樂團,九龍塘宣道小學管樂團,拔萃男書院管樂團,香港薩克管合奏團,香港青年色士風樂團, Peninsula Quartet 及Opus a la carte 的專業演出。在美國,他曾出席亞利桑那州,伊利諾伊州,德克薩斯州辛辛那提等地的北美薩克管聯盟會議並演出。在國際上,子翹於2018年7月在克羅地亞薩格勒布舉行的第18屆薩克斯管世界大會出席並演出。作為愛荷華大學Colere Quartet的一員,郭氏一直積極參與於美國中西部多所學院舉辦的表演活動,當中包括奧吉斯坦那學院,蒙默斯學院和明尼蘇達大學。郭氏曾與多位知名的薩克管演奏家同台演出,包括謝德騏,須川展也,雲井雅人,Philippe Geiss, Jean-Michel Goury, Alain Crepin, Stephen Page及Nathan Bogert。
郭子翹曾師從蔡國田先生,杜淑芝小姐和 Michael Campbell先生。他擁有愛荷華大學的音樂演奏學士學位以及藝術碩士學位, 並獲得了Meredith Wilson獎學金。目前,他正在愛荷華大學攻讀音樂藝術博士學位,並由著名的薩克管教授謝德騏博士指導。他亦是愛荷華市New Horizons Community Band的薩克管導師。
Dennis Kwok (Member of Opus a la Carte Collective)
Dennis Kwok Tsz Kiu is passionate about drawing audiences deeply into the art of music and has imprinted his passion in music all over the world, including Asia, North America and Europe, as an active soloist as well as a chamber musician. In recent years, Dennis has made remarkable accomplishments as a soloist, quartet and ensemble musician. In 2013, he was awarded the Saxophone Winner of the Yamaha Young Performing Artist Competition. As a baritone saxophonist of the Colere Quartet from the University of Iowa, he advanced to the semi-final of the prestigious Fischoff Chamber Music Competition in 2018, and was awarded the First Prize of the Plowman Chamber Music Competition in 2019. As a member of the Iowa Saxophonists’ Workshop Ensemble, he recorded the first album “Contemplation” in 2014.
In October 2013, Dennis participated in the 6th Adolphe Sax International Competition. He advanced to the live round competed in Dinant, Belgium, in October 2014. In March 2017, Dennis, as the baritone saxophone player of the ICON quartet from the University of Iowa, advanced to the national round of the MTNA Chamber Music Competition.
Besides various competitions, Dennis is also an active performer within communities of his hometown Hong Kong and other countries. Over the years, his local professional ensemble appearances include performances with the Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia, Hong Kong Chamber Wind Philharmonia, Alliance Primary School Kowloon Tong Wind Band, Diocesan Boys’ School Wind Band, Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble, Hong Kong Youth Saxophone Choir, Peninsula Quartet and Opus a la Carte. In the United States, he had attended and performed at the North American Saxophone Alliance conferences at Arizona, Illinois, Cincinnati, Texas and more. Internationally, Dennis attended and performed at the 18th Saxophone World Congress at Zagreb, Croatia in July 2018. As a member of the Colere quartet, Dennis has been actively performing at various institutions and conferences in the area of Midwestern America, including Augustana College, Monmouth College and the University of Minnesota. Dennis performed with various renowned saxophonists, including Kenneth Tse, Nobuya Sugawa, Masato Kumoi, Philippe Geiss, Jean-Michel Goury, Alain Crepin, Stephen Page and Nathan Bogert.
Dennis started learning saxophone at the age of 6 and had studied with Mr. Martin Choi, Miss Jennifer To and Mr. Michael Campbell. He holds Bachelor Degree in Music Performance, with the Meredith Wilson scholarship, and Master Degree in Arts from the University of Iowa. Currently, he is pursuing Doctorate Degree in Musical Arts at the University of Iowa, under the tutelage of leading saxophonist Dr. Kenneth Tse. He is also serving as the saxophone instructor of the New Horizons Community Band at Iowa City.
曾敏思 (Opus a la Carte Collective 成員)
曾氏曾以客席薩克管樂手獲邀參與多個管樂團演出,當中包括:香港中文大學崇基管樂團、香港青年管樂演奏家、香港專業管樂團及香港愛樂管樂團。除此以外,亦會以薩克管獨奏家身份演出 - 2015年,參與「香港青年管樂演奏家」十五週年音樂會之獨奏演出,及於2019年,與香港德明愛樂管樂團演奏由哥倫比亞作曲家 丹尼.塔博爾達之作品「凡丹薩克斯」,並為亞洲首演。
2010 及2013 年,曾氏應香港青年管樂演奏家之邀請,隨團分別遠赴奧地利及荷蘭參加中歐國際青年管樂比賽及世界音樂大賽,並於分組賽嬴得冠軍及金獎。2011年,曾氏與一班活躍於香港之頂尖薩克管樂手組成Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble,曾氏以團員身份分別於2012年及2014年被邀到香港電台及無線電視台作現場演出錄音及接受訪問。2012-2018年間,更隨團遠赴英國蘇格蘭(2012)、法國斯特拉斯堡(2015)、泰國曼谷(2016)、台灣嘉義(2016)及克羅地亞薩格勒布(2018)等地區參與亞洲及世界薩克斯年會中演出。
2016年至今,曾氏為Opus a la Carte (本地薩克管4重奏)成員之一,並經常參與本地及海外之演出,當中包括:2018年2月,由康文署及通利琴行主辦之「接通樂勢力」、2018年8月遠赴新加坡參與新加坡薩克斯年會、2018年11月,由發展局文物保育辦事處主辦「文物時尚荷理活道」等。
2010年7月,曾氏創立「香港青年色士風樂團」,並以音樂總監及指揮身份帶領樂團於香港不同場合演出。2015年8月,曾氏帶領樂團出席新加坡色士風研討會作演出及交流,大獲好評。2017年帶領樂團遠赴泰國參與「亞洲薩克斯管夏令營」(Asia Pacific Saxophone Academy)舉辦之「薩克斯管合奏」比賽,榮獲第一名及總冠軍。
Man-Sze Tsang (Member of Opus a la Carte Collective)
Ms. Tsang Man-Sze starts playing saxophone at the age of 12 by joining the PLK No.1 W.H.Cheung College’ s instrumental class program under the guidance of Ms Sissie Siu. In 1999, Man-Sze started her professional saxophone training with Mr. Tim Wilson (the former principal flutist of Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra), Mr. Martin Choy (the former principal clarinetist of Hong Kong Sinfonietta) and Michael Campbell (Clarinetist of Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra) at the Music Department, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Later, Ms Tsang received her Diploma in Performing Arts (Music, majoring Saxophone performance) and the Advanced Diploma performing Arts (Music, majoring Saxophone performance) in 2001 and 2003 respectively. During the study period at HKAPA, Ms Tsang had participated in Saxophone Master Classes held by world famous Japanese saxophonist, Nobuya Sugawa and Dr. Kenneth Tse (Professor of Saxophone at the University of Iowa, United States).
In 2009, Man-Sze obtained the Trinity College of Music, LTCL Diploma in distinction level. Same year, she was being invited to be a guest saxophone player of the Chung Chi Wind Orchestra of Chinese University of HK.
2010 and 2013, being invited to be a member of Hong Kong Young musicians’ Wind Orchestra, Ms. Tsang joined the Europe International Youth Music Competition in Austria and World Music Contest in Netherlands and won the Championship and Gold Medal in the group event respectively.
Man-Sze is one of the founder members of the Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble (HKSE) established in 2011 with Hong Kong famous and talented saxophone players. Being one of the representatives of the HKSE, she was invited to Radio Television Hong Kong and TVB for interview and live performing broadcast in July 2012 and May 2014 respectively. In 2012 and 2015 summer, Man Sze performed with the HKSE in the 16th and 17th World Saxophone Congress in Scotland and Strasbourg, France. Since 2013, Man Sze was being invited as the Tenor Saxophone player of Hong Kong Professional Winds Orchestra. In 2015, she performed as a guest soloist with the Hong Kong Young Musicians’ Wind Orchestra in their 15th Anniversary Concert. And in 2019, ManSze performed the Asia premiere of “Fansaxo” by a Columbia composer, Daniel Taborda Higuita with the Hong Kong Tak Ming Philharmonic Winds.
Man Sze was the founder of the “Hong Kong Youth Saxophone Choir” in 2010 which aims to educate, develop and promote music to the youngsters in Hong Kong. As the music director and conductor of the Hong Kong Youth Saxophone Choir, Man Sze leads the group to perform in all kinds of occasions show frequently in Hong Kong. In August of 2015, with Man Sze’ s music direction, the Hong Kong Youth Saxophone Choir participated in the Singapore Saxophone Symposium with a highly successful performance. In 2016, Hong Kong Youth Saxophone Choir won the 1st Winnie prize and the Grand Prize under the baton of ManSze in the Asia Pacific Saxophone Academy Competition Saxophone Ensemble Competition in Bangkok. From 2007, Man Sze has been appointed as the Music Director of Music Sphere Company Limited and serves as a saxophone tutor and conductor of numbers of primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong.
王逸懷 (Opus a la Carte Collective 成員)
在學期間,曾參與愛荷華大學校內薩克管重奏團之錄音製作,其作品收錄於坎菲爾博士之專輯「第五輯室內樂」之中。及後就讀於印第安納大學其間,受坎菲爾博士之邀請,參與坎菲爾博士「薩克斯風音樂第二專輯」之錄音, 灌錄了"抒情小曲五篇" 及 "布拉姆斯的輓歌" 。
王氏亦曾參與多個大型比賽,當中包括第四屆曼克頓國際音樂大賽摘下金獎,2013及2014年,於Yamaha 青年演奏家比賽中獲得獎項,更於2017年,美國德克薩斯大學協奏曲比賽中獲得優勝者殊榮。除比賽以外,更積極參與多個新音樂之演出,當中於世界首演之作品作曲家有: 唐弗雷德、大衞·坎菲爾、丹威勒等。
現時,王氏為香港青年色士風樂團之藝術總監、香港薩克管合奏團及 Opus a la Carte Collective 之成員,並積極推動及發展本港薩克管之音樂教育。詳程請瀏覽www.calvin-wong.com。
Calvin Wong (Member of Opus a la Carte Collective)
Calvin Wong studied with Stephen Page at The University of Texas at Austin for the Artist Diploma, Otis Murphy at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music for the Master of Music, and Kenneth Tse at the University of Iowa for the Bachelor of Music degree. Calvin’s enthusiasm of playing with a chamber ensemble has led him to many stages including the North American Saxophone Alliance (NASA) Conferences, Midwest International Clinic, Singapore Saxophone Symposium, World Saxophone Congress XVI, New York Wind Band Festival at Carnegie Hall, and the CBDNA National Conferences. Calvin recorded for David Canfield’s “Saxophone Music, Vol. II” under Enharmonic Records, and with the University of Iowa Saxophone Ensemble in “Contemplation” under Jeanné Records. He is the Gold Medalist of the 4th Manhattan International Music Competition, winner of the Concerto Competition at The University of Texas at Austin in 2017, and the honorable mention in the 2014 Yamaha Performing Young Artist Competition. Besides standard repertoire, Calvin is active in new music performances, including premiere performances of works by composers Don Freund, David Canfield, Dan Welcher, Adam Schoenberg, among others. As an educator, Calvin has given masterclasses at Soochow University, California State University at Fullerton, MCGP Seacon Square (Mahidol University) in Bangkok, the Summer Saxophone Academy at Indiana University, and the Young Saxophonist’s Institute in Texas. His performances were broadcasted at KMFA Classical 89.5 in Texas and RTHK in Hong Kong. Calvin made his Hong Kong City Hall concerto debut with the Tak Ming Philharmonic Winds in 2019.
Currently, Calvin has returned to Hong Kong to promote saxophone education and creative development. He is the Artistic Director of the Hong Kong Youth Saxophone Choir, and member of the Opus a la Carte Collective, MODUS, Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble, and Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia. For more details, please visit www.calvin-wong.com.
曾捷麗博士 (鋼琴Opus a la Carte Collective 成員)
曾捷麗博士活躍於鋼琴獨奏及室樂演奏。繼美國Wooster室樂節以及紐約卡內基音樂廳的演出外,她亦獲邀於歐洲、亞洲及美洲舉行多場演奏會。近年被康樂文化事務署邀請,於香港大會堂演奏廳舉行鋼琴獨奏會。曾氏曾多次與樂團演奏鋼琴協奏曲,合作過的指揮家有法朗、辜柏麟、Campastrini 等。
曾博士熱愛室內樂演奏及二重奏。常與著名音樂家合作,包括 James Thompuson, Giuliano Sommerhalder, Esteban cons Batallán, Michel Arrignon, Florent Heau, Piotr Milewski 等。曾氏更與James Thompson為國際小號協會錄制巴哈詠嘆調三重奏。此外,作為Eastman Broadband Ensemble (美國一新音樂室樂團)成員之一,她參與了由Urtext Record Label 所出的唱片:Diaries: Works for Large Ensemble。近年曾氏經常在香港小交響樂團的室內樂音樂會亮相。去年,曾氏的三重奏被邀請到西班牙演出。另外,曾氏亦聯同 La Sax 在中國多個城市演奏鋼琴與薩克斯風的音樂會。六月初,更被邀請到澳大利亞演出。
曾博士獲得美國伊士曼音樂學院之博士學位。 於2008-11在羅切斯特大學及伊士曼音樂學院當Barry Snyder教授的鋼琴助教。
Dr. Cherry Tsang (Pianist Member of Opus a la Carte Collective)
Pianist Dr. Cherry Tsang has performed solo recitals and chamber music throughout Europe, Asia, and America. Recent solo performance includes LCSD's "Our Music Talent" series Solo Recital (HK Cityhall) and Musica del cuore series in Hong Kong. Tsang has collaborated with various orchestras under conductors Neil Varon, Alan Cumberland and Christoph Campastrini, among others.
As a dedicated chamber musician, Tsang performed in many events and festivals. The IDRS festival in Spain, recitals in Brisbane and Melbourne (Australia), the Wooster Chamber music festival (Ohio US), Sanibel Music Festival (Florida US), and at venues such as Kneisel Hall, NYU, Symphony Space and the Miller Theatre at Columbia University. Tsang has also worked with many international artists including James Thompson, Giuliano Sommerhalder, Esteban cons Batallán, Michel Arrignon, Florent Heau and Piotr Milewski. In 2018 -2019, she collaborated and toured with local group “La Sax” in many China cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen. In recent years, she is also a regular guest musician in the lunchtime chamber music series organiser by Hong Kong Sinfonietta.
Tsang received her Doctorate in Piano Performance from the Eastman School of Music in 2011, where she studied with Barry Snyder, for whom she was teaching assistant from 2008
to 2011.
Dr. Tsang is now a piano faculty at Hong Kong Baptist University, and coaches chamber music and collaborative piano to undergraduate and graduate students in HKAPA.
黃德釗博士 (Opus a la Carte Collective 成員)
曾被西雅圖交響樂團指揮Gerard Schwarz讚揚“非凡,優秀的音樂家”的香港薩克斯演奏家黃德釗博士,是一位獨奏家和室內樂演奏家。在繁忙的演出日程以外,黃氏也熱衷於教學,擔任比賽評審和編曲的工作。
作為室內樂以及管弦樂演奏家,他曾與多個室內樂和交響樂團於超過14個國家和地區演出,其中包括四不像、Amigo薩克斯四重奏、Reedsonance、La Sax、香港薩克斯管樂團、亞洲現代樂團、香港交響管樂團、法國RATP管樂團、香港愛樂管樂團、香港小交響樂團和香港管弦樂團等。
除了傳統的古典音樂演奏,黃氏也在推動和演奏現代音樂方面做出貢獻,尤其是亞洲作曲家的作品。至今他已經首演了超過50首專門為他創作的作品。2016年,他所創立的Amigo薩克斯四重奏與法國作曲家Diana Soh的作曲計畫被授予世界著名的獎項Barlow Award。Amigo薩克斯四重奏是該獎項自1983年創立以來第一個薩克斯團體獲得該獎項。最近的樂季中他將首演來自法國作曲家Jean-Philippe Vanbeselaere、泰國作曲家Narong Prangcharoen、新加坡作曲家Diana Soh和美國作曲陳怡博士的新作品。这些作品將於BabelScores、Europa Musica Publishing和Theodore Presser Company出版商出版。
Dr. Wong Tak-Chiu (Member of Opus a la Carte Collective)
Praised as "Fantastic, excellent player" by Gerard Schwarz, conductor of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong concert saxophonist Tak Chiu Wong is an international soloist, chamber musician, educator, and arranger.
Wong has been invited to perform extensively as a soloist throughout Asia and United States. It includes collaborations with the Hong Kong Band Directors Wind Orchestra, NAFA New Music Ensemble, BSRU Wind Symphony, University of Wyoming Symphony Orchestra, West Virginia University Symphony Orchestra, and the Hong Kong Wind Orchestra, etc.
As a chamber and also orchestral musician, he has been performed with several ensembles and orchestras over 14 countries. It includes 4UNLIKE, Amigo Saxophone Quartet, La Sax, Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble, Hong Kong Wind Kamerata, Asian Contemporary Ensemble, Hong Kong Symphonic Winds, Orchestre d’harmonie de RATP, Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Frederick Symphony Orchestra, and Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, etc.
Besides playing traditional classical music, Wong is also passionate in developing contemporary music from the works of living composers. He has been commissioned and premiered over 50 works that are dedicated to him. In 2016, he was awarded the renowned Barlow Award for commission project between Amigo Saxophone Quartet and composer Diana Soh, making it the first and only saxophone ensemble to receive such award since its establishment in 1983. His recent projects include new compositions from Chen Yi (United States), Galison Lau (Hong Kong), Narong Prangcharoen (Thailand), and Diana Soh (Singapore). These works were published by BabelScores, Europa Musica Publishing, and Theodore Presser Company.